Nutrition Packing- A Gentle and Natural Whole Body Reboot

by Jamie Jensen on July 22, 2024

I try to limit my toxin exposure as much as possible. Unfortunately, we are surrounded by hidden toxins and it's really hard to eliminate our exposure to them completely. Every 6 months, or when I notice my body is feeling sluggish and yucky, I try to do a whole body reboot. The system takes a month, but don't let that scare you away! Really after the first few days you start to feel so healthy and strong and it's not as hard. 

If you'd like to try something similar, here is what has worked for me! 

First week: Eliminate all food except for raw food. Add in Lemon Water, and Celery Juice. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner are smoothies, salads (avoid dressing with dairy products or lots of preservatives), fruits and veggies, with soaked nuts and seeds.

Soaking your nuts and seeds helps with nutrient absorption. It increases enzyme activity which aids the body with absorbing all the wonderful nutrients. Soaked nuts are also easier to digest so they are more gentle on your system. Soak for at least 20 minutes, or overnight. 

Add parsley and cilantro to your smoothies if you really want to pack an extra nutritious punch! ... no it does not taste very good. BUT, Cilantro is a natural detoxifier, and helps eliminate heavy metals from the body. Cilantro also releases digestive enzymes which help your body properly break down food. Parsley is rich in vitamins K, C, and A. It's also one of the highest antioxidant plants supporting overall health. 

Lemon water and celery juice are underrated but highly beneficial ways to stay hydrated! Lemons are a great source of vitamin C, and also help protect your cells from free radicals. It also helps with collagen, and iron absorption. Celery also has many anti-inflammatory properties. 

Second Week: Keep your diet largely the same as week one, however, this week you can add in cooked foods! Try to keep it to 80% raw food, 20% cooked. Start adding in things like sweet potatoes, sprouted oatmeal, and sprouted corn tortillas. 

Learn how and why to sprout corn tortillas at 

Third Week: Keep your mostly raw diet going! You can now add up to 40% cooked foods and maintain 60% raw. This week I like to add brown rice or quinoa and soaked and sprouted legumes. 

Fourth Week: This week you can add back in whole grains, meat, and dairy products. I recommend doing it slowly so you don't completely overwhelm your system all at once. Keep up on your lemon water and celery juice and whole fruit smoothies. 

Tag me on social media if you do a nutrition packing reboot, I would love to cheer you on in your journey. It takes commitment to start the process, but it is well worth it. I love how my body and mind feel after I've followed these steps. Good Luck!

